Gay bars in omaha nebraska

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Tonight we send as our personal representative Miss April Ann Rose, as well as members of our 'family of customers.' Not only as a gay bar, but as a community pillar of strength in which all others may take note of and pull together in suite. Greetings from The Diamond Bar and welcome to Omaha. 'Diamond Bar / Good evening Emerpor Pat, Empress Veronica, and Athena JoJo - the Imperial Court of Neb. The brick was given to Pat Phalen, Emperor VI, at Coronation VII, his stepping down ceremony. Above the words is a small, broach-like likeness of the Little Blue Boy. 'The Diamond Bar' is written in sequins and the brick is covered with little gold stars.

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Photograph of a brick from Omaha's the Diamond Bar, which was known as the 'Oldest Gay Bar in Nebraska.' This brick is from the bar's first building and is mainly painted gold with a bit of pink, blue, and green.

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